Charitable Giving
The Ambassadors of Harmony® strive to touch the lives of our audience through the gift of beautiful, artistic vocal music. Your generous support allows us to continually refine our vocal quality and performance, ensuring each concert is a moving and unforgettable experience. Your tax-deductible gift helps us educate our members and fulfill our mission of delivering exceptional a cappella singing. Thank you for being a part of the Ambassadors of Harmony®.
SUSTAINING ($25,000 and above): Logo credit on programs and twelve comp seats to all seven of the spring and holiday performances.
SUPPORTING ($10,000-$24,999): Logo credit on programs and eight comp seats to all seven of the spring and holiday performances.
CORPORATE ($5,000-$9,999): Logo credit on programs and eight comp seats to spring and holiday performances.
PLATINUM ($2,000-$4,999): Company listing in show programs, four preferred seats to spring and holiday shows.
GOLD ($1,000-$1,999): Two preferred seats to spring and holiday shows and prominent listing in show programs.
SILVER ($500-$999): Name(s) prominently displayed in show programs.
BRONZE ($250-$499): Name(s) listed in show programs.
PARTNER ($100-$249): Name(s) included in show programs.
PATRON (up to $99): Name(s) listing in show programs.
To become a Friend of AOH via U.S. mail, please click here to print and fill out our sponsorship form.
Send the completed form along with your credit card information or your check payable to:
The Ambassadors of Harmony® c/o Bill McLaurine, P.O. Box 131 St. Charles, Mo. 63302